Guest Posts (2)

I’m away on vacation, and last week Alex J. Mann took over Lone Gunman for the week and produced five thoughtful posts:

This coming week, your host is Dan Zamboniniā€”a true Renaissance man.

Dan is the co-founder of the excellent Box UK (“creators of amazing web apps” and much more besides) and not only hasĀ his own tag here at Lone Gunman but also may be the source of more posts than any other person.

Dan is a great person to follow on Twitter, and you can do that here. If you’re interested in things web you should subscribe to Dan’s company blog here, and if you love design, you should follow his personal Tumblr-style blog here (where you can find further links to his many projects in the sidebar).

On top of all this, Dan also helps to organise some fine events around the UK. I spoke at one not too long ago (Ignite Cardiff) and now the first Ignite London is currently lining up speakersā€”one to watch.

Thanks to Alex and thanks to Dan.
