Tag: self-control
Blood Sugar and the Depletion of Self-Control
Self-control is a finite resource, goes theĀ ego depletion theory, and through various means can be “used-up”. What, exactly, depletes and builds this resource isn’t fully known but a number of studies have shown someĀ intriguingĀ correlations with blood glucose level (explaining, possibly, the cookie self-control study). The abstract of a study by Roy Baumeister summarises the findings…
Self Affirmations Boost Self-Control
I’ve written before onĀ positive self-affirmations and how they are not of much use, but now it seems that if we are succumbing to temptation and we want to exercise self-control but are finding it difficult to do so, we should recite positive self-affirmationsĀ to help us resist. A novel experiment has now shown that positive self-affirmations…
Self-Esteem vs Self-Discipline in Children
Self-esteem, we are told, is a great virtue to foster in a child, hence the many school programs to instill it in young children and the self-help experts extolling its benefits to all who will listen. This is folly, says psychologist Angela Duckworth in this interview where she discusses the futility of attempting to enhance…