Month: February 2008

  • Black President = World’s Complete Annihalation

    The Onion does it again with ‘Do We Really Want Another Black President After The Events Of Deep Impact?‘ Have we learned nothing from the tragic events of 1998, when, under the watch of President Morgan Freeman, this nation was plunged into chaos, and hundreds of millions of people died at the hands of the…

  • Molecular Gastronomy and Unboiling an Egg

    After recently rediscovering Heston Blumenthal I’ve been reading a lot about molecular gastronomy and, as such, Hervé This and Nicholas Kurti – the grandfathers of molecular gastronomy and Blumenthal’s inspiration. Now it appears Hervé This has unboiled an egg.

  • Obsolete Skills – Talking Face-to-Face

    Scobleizer recently asked people to come up with a list of obsolete skills. Someone duly registered, created a wiki, and put up a huge A-Z list: Cranking up or down a car window Inserting a game cartridge at just the right angle to make it work Loading film into a 35mm camera via kottke

  • Owen Wilson – Life Imitating Art

    ‘The Suicide of Genius: Owen Wilson and Wes Anderson in Life and Art‘ is an article pointing out the similarities between the troubling events in Owen Wilson’s troubled life and his on-screen roles in Anderson’s films. Owen Wilson, the eponymous free spirit and troubled hero of Wes Anderson’s films, has struggled with what appears to…