After a week of surviving on minimal sleep you may assume that a lazy weekend will allow you to recover in time for the coming days. Not so: research has shown that not even aĀ full week of quality sleep can reverse the cognitive and physiological ‘damage’ just five days of poor sleep can inflict on us.
Jonah Lehrer notes that it’s not just our cognitive functions that become impaired by a lack of sleep–it’s our immune system, too:
In a recent study for The Archives of Internal Medicine, scientists followed 153 men and women for two weeks, keeping track of their quality and duration of sleep. Then, during a five-day period, they quarantined the subjects and exposed them to cold viruses. Those who slept an average of fewer than seven hours a night, it turned out, were three times as likely to get sick as those who averaged at least eight hours.
One response to “The Cognitive Importance of Good Sleep”
[…] Iāve briefly menĀtioned this study on Lone GunĀman before, but I think the cogĀniĀtive impact was the most interĀestĀing titĀbit in that Jonah Lehrer […]