Guest Posts (1)

I’ve recently arrived in Seattle and over the coming two weeks will be slowly making my way down to San Francisco. I’m on holiday; life is good.

I’m aware that things have been quiet around here lately, so as a prelude to the “return” of Lone Gun­man I’ve got a couple of fine guest writers lined up while I’m away.

For the com­ing week your host is david (b) hayes.

David recently got his own tag here on Lone Gun­man thanks to his wonderful post, Why You Hate Your Facebook Friends [LG]. However it’s David’s linkblog, Link Banana, which has made the most impact here as it’s been the source of many of my favourite posts over the last few years.

His long form blog, Frozen Toothpaste, is another a favourite read of mine. Of course, David is also on Twit­ter so fol­low him here.

Join me in wel­com­ing David by leav­ing com­ments on his posts.

Thanks to David and to you.
