Guest Posts (2)

I’m away on vaca­tion, and last week david (b) hayes took over Lone Gun­man and produced this indispensable seven-part guide, How to Internet:

This com­ing week, your host is Andrew Smith—a good friend and a guy with diverse (and good) taste.

I’ve known Andrew for a number of years and he has consistently kept me entertained over drinks and on travels with interesting stories and generally informative and enjoyable conversation. I’m looking forward to seeing what he posts here over the coming week.

As always, Andrew is on Twitter (follow him here) and has a Tumblr blog (here).

One of Andrew’s current passions is public speaking and stand-up comedy. If you’re even remotely interested in those topics you’ll want to keep an eye on his public speaking site, The Naked Speaker.

Thanks to David and thanks to Andrew.
