Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
– Mark Twain
Travel Independent thinks it has “everything you need to know about independent budget travel”. After just a quick browse of its many sections (‘What to Pack’, ‘Where to Go’, ‘Before You Go’, ‘Country Summaries’, and ‘On the Road’), I’m inclined to agree.
But how much is this going to cost you? For a quick guesstimate, Saving for Travel is your pal.
Thanks Andy
One response to “Independent Budget Travel and Round-the-World Backpacking Trips”
Right when I graduated high school, I set out by myself to Europe, and I backpacked from Finland to France, and then over to Italy and up back to England. It was great, but one thing I was grateful for was a safe hotel room to sleep in at night. I’m an ambassador for Hampton Inns, I had some info that it seems like you’d be interested in, I thought I’d let you know about it.
Hampton Inn is offering 10% off the best available rate until September 1st. We’re also giving away bikes, vacations and a lot of other stuff for the Olympic Games!
Check it out here:,HX,Dreams,Specials&it=Specials,Dreams
Check out this video also and let me know what you think! Hope I didn’t bother or cross any boundaries by contacting you.
Rob Williams
Official Hampton Inn Ambassador
[email protected]