Odds and Ends

A few quick links because this day is moving faster than I anticipated.

elimae, pronounced el-ee-may, and standing for electronic literary magazine, was founded by Deron Bauman in 1996 and has published essays, fiction, interviews, poetry and reviews. At the end of 2004, Bauman departed to concentrate on other responsibilities, and the editorship was assumed by Cooper Renner.

Honest to goodness great work curated and edited monthly. Cooper currently has his review of William Carlos Williams reissued book In the American Grain up:

Williams published this book of essays likewise concerned with voice but rather more with history than myth, though myth lurks always nearby in any examination of national origins. As one might expect from Williams’ poetry, which often stands contrary to the literary Modernism of his peers, In the American Grainis a contrarian look at early American history, a “warts and all” approach which must have seemed especially contentious in its time, when the United States was new to the circle of world powers and the ’20s were roaring happily along.

Coop also does fine work in poetry himself and I happen to have a copy of his latest on my bed stand.

And then there is designer Jonathan McNicol who serializes books in the public domain and releases gorgeous  layouts in pdf format. His current project is a riff off the web’s darling meatspace project:

With the end of the summer came the end of Infinite Summer, but today marks the opening of a new iteration, Infinite Summer: Dracula, and I’m happy to announce that I’ve signed on to provide a handsomely typeset, easy-to-read version of Stoker’s classic text to supplement the project.

Here is the layout of the first chapter of Dracula to whet you palate.

FULL DISCLOSURE: I blog with all of these gentleman (DeronCooper, and Jonathan) on clusterflock.
