Paper Aeroplanes for Young and Old

Being a father to two six-year-olds means that I spend a not-insignificant amount of time folding and colouring paper. Paper aeroplanes are an infrequent but not unusual sight in the house.

For those times, Fold ‘N Fly is my go-to website, offering “a database of paper airplanes with easy to follow folding instructions, video tutorials and printable folding plans”. My go-to design: The Buzz.

When researching material options (paper vs card), I came across the following on the paper plane Wikipedia entry:

Unlike balsa gliders, paper gliders have a far higher strength-to-thickness ratio: a sheet of office-quality 80 g/m2 photocopier/­laser printer paper, for example, has approximate in-scale strength of aircraft-grade aluminium sheet metal, while card stock approx­imates the properties of steel at the scale of paper model aircraft.
