Tag: atul-gawande
Medicine, Specialism, and the Scientific Education
In the commencement speech he delivered to the graduates of Stanford’s School of Medicine earlier this year, Atul Gawande eloquently (as ever) examined the state of modern medicine (in the U.S. specifically, the world generally), the problem with specialism, and the problem of specialists trying to fit into a system not necessarily designed for it.…
The Checklist Advantage
To ensure that extremely complex tasks–tasks too complex even for “super-specialists”–are performed effectively, accurately and with minimal mistakes, checklists are an invaluable tool, suggested Atul Gawande in a 2007 article in The New Yorker (and everywhere else since, it seems). Gawande illustrates (in an inordinate amount of detail) how seemingly unnecessary checklists can make huge…
Neurology of the Itch
The Itch is an article from The New Yorker on the neurology behind that annoying sensation we’ve all had. I warn you, the article is quite icky in places, with a particularly stomach churning case study in one place, but I was quite fascinated to find out that the sensation of the itch seems to…