Tag: books
The Best Personal Library
I’ve seen many personal libraries: few that—like David—induce jealousy, fewer still that I truly covet, and none that compel me to blog. At least that was until I saw Jay Walker’s library. The photographs of the Internet entrepreneur’s library alone are awe inspiring. Then I started reading. via Kottke
On Business Books, Self-Education, and Mental Models
I mentioned the Personal MBA Book List last week, and today have come across this interview between Josh Kaufman and Ben Casnocha, author of My Start-Up Life. Josh runs the Personal MBA Recommended Reading List — a list of the best business books one would need to read for a comprehensive business education. It’s a…
The Personal MBA Book List
The Personal MBA is a site dedicated to helping people gain an MBA education without the expense of business school. It’s a self-study guide to advanced business topics and concepts. As Kevin Kelly—the founding executive director of Wired—says: No matter what they tell you, an MBA is not essential for landing or handling a good…
Gödel, Escher, Bach
On a large number of ‘best of’ or ‘books that changed my life’ lists I always spot Gödel, Escher, Bach (GEB), the Pulitzer Prize-winning book by Douglas Hofstadter. When my copy arrived at my door recently I was taken aback by this tome and realised that it was going to be a dense read that…
Non-Voting Political Philosophers and Stealing Ethicists
When I read that political philosophers vote less often than other philosophers (and political scientists) I was reminded of the book Can a Robot be Human?. This book touches on the logic behind voting, and comes to the conclusion that – for an individual – it is pointless because no election has ever been decided…
The World Without Us
What would happen if humans disappeared from the face of the planet right now? What would happen to our infrastructure, the wild animals… our legacy? This is the topic Alan Weisman tackles in his speculative non-fiction book, The World Without Us (which I’m considering adding to my reading list purely out of curiosity). The Wikipedia…