Tag: business
Joel Spolsky on Strategy
Trawling through the Joel on Software archive, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading the Strategy Letter series. Building a company? You’ve got one very important decision to make, because it affects everything else you do. No matter what else you do, you absolutely must figure out which camp you’re in, and gear everything you do accordingly, or…
Bribing Employees to Quit
One of those ‘Why didn’t I think of that?’ moments. An ingenuous—yet obvious—business practice from Zappos.com (a start-up company given funding by the infamous Sequoia Capital venture capital firm)… bribe your employees to quit so only the truly committed and enthusiastic are left. More at Harvard Business’ Why Zappos Pays New Employees to Quit—And You…
Creating Indexed Users
When it was live, I used to look forward to the next instalment of Creating Passionate Users; a blog on doing business in the IT sector where the writers were “all passionate about the brain and meta-cognition”. The entries were comical and the accompanying graphs were simple, elegant, and really were worth a thousand words.…