Tag: gambling
Optimism as Incentive
Much has been written on the (ir)rationality of purchasing lottery tickets (Eliezer Yudkowsky’s viewpoint is particularly fine), but little has been said on applications of these biases that could improve the finances of all of those who buy a ticket. Now behavioural economists are attempting to boost the historically poor household savings rate by using our…
The Long Now Foundation
Established in 01996 […] The Long Now Foundation hopes to provide counterpoint to today’s “faster/cheaper” mind set and promote “slower/better” thinking. A very admirable goal and one I’m inclined to embrace wholeheartedly. You may have heard of one of their projects, Long Bets. The current featured bet was placed by Warren Buffett with a $1,000,000…
Behavioural Addiciton: Gambling in Las Vegas
A conference on gambling addiction, run by the National Center for Responsible Gaming, is to be held in Las Vegas later this year. Put aside the irony for a moment, there are more sinister events afoot. Salon’s article Gambling with Science notes that the NCRG is funded by the gambling industry and may have a…