Tag: gtd

  • The Cult of Done

    The Cult of Done Manifesto is a compelling list of ‘rules’ for getting things done. I think the premise of The Cult of Done is: to do; to be unconcerned with failure; to learn from outcomes, be they good or bad. I particularly like the Rubix Cube manifesto poster. There are three states of being. Not knowing, action and…

  • The Personal, Printable CEO

    Freelancer David Seah realised that he needed a novel system to keep himself productive, efficient, and continuously developing. Borne from this need he developed The Printable CEO system: The Printable CEO was born from a desire to focus my time more productively. For me, that means things that make my freelance practice sustainable and fun. The…

  • Moving from Digital to Analogue

    The back-to-paper trend is gaining momentum, and Bill Westerman recently joined the movement; Getting Sh-t Done is his beautifully described analog productivity method. An example of his system can seen on flickr.