Tag: infovis
The Shortcomings of Data Visualisation
The problem with pie charts and how this relates to data visualisation as a whole. Many visualization types have cropped up just in the past two decades, riding the growth of the internet. But they nevertheless share many characteristics with the garden-variety pie chart, including some of its primary weaknesses and a slew of new ones.…
Infographic Inspiration
There’s not much I can say about this collection other than giving you its accurate title: 50 great examples of infographics. via @mikaarauz
Map of Science
By crunching data from more than a billion user interactions on scholarly databases, Los Alamos National Laboratory researchers produced a high-resolution map of the relationships between different fields of science. That’s from Wired where they display the ‘Map of Science‘ that was produced, in part, to “help researchers frame discipline-hopping questions and identify neglected cooperative opportunities”.…
Visualising the News (The Guardian & New York Times APIs)
The New York Times Developer Network is the media outlet’s “API clearinghouse” offering details of how you can get access to the extensive data they have released (from stories dating back to 1981). Using this API, Jer Thorp has created some visualisations of NYT trends using Processing (a language I keep promising to take a…
Evolution of Art and Design
Flickr user 802.11 has created a lovely flowchart depicting the evolution of art and design between 1845 and 1980. The chart depicts art movements and design groups and how each are connected. You should take a look at some of her other visualisations, too. I particularly like the depiction of character interactions throughout Shakespeare’s Romeo…
Your Personal Love–Growth–Cash Triangles
Personal love–growth–cash triangles: a visual method for evaluating your life, your career, and everything in between. “If you have a shit job, come up with new ways to learn something out of it. If you have a hobby you’re super-excited about, try to turn it into a business. If you’re just starting a new gig,…
Oxfam: Reshaping the World
Remember that great visual that accompanied Alisa Miller’s 2008 TED Talk? Oxfam in Action have produced a similar graphic covering the topics of world poverty, education, HIV infection rates, hunger, population, and trade. Ever wondered what extreme poverty on a global scale looks like? It’s not a pretty sight – as you can see on…
Visualising Complex Relationships
Complex networks are everywhere. From the moment we wake we are surrounded; from public transport systems to ‘real-life’ (shock horror!) social networks. They exist, but how can we visualise these in an efficient and succinct manner? That’s the challenge VisualComplexity has taken on. And won. VisualComplexity.com intends to be a unified resource space for anyone…