Tag: oil

  • Oil Spills and Nature’s Resilience

    Faced with an oil spill of the Deepwater Horizon‘s magnitude, nature is resilient and well-adapted to cope with the consequences–that is, provided we don’t try to clean it using methods that will do more damage. Matt Ridley, author of The Rational Optimist (and many of my favourite popular science books), discusses what we should remember…

  • Sir Arthur C Clarke’s Final Message – Peace and Climate Change

    By now everyone knows that Sir Arthur C Clarke recently passed away – a truly sad event. However, you may not have watched his ‘final message to earth‘. Communication technologies are necessary, but not sufficient, for us humans to get along with each other. This is why we still have many disputes and conflicts in…

  • London Underground – Brought to You in Conjunction with Hugo Chavez

    …Londoners on Income Support can get a card to allow travel on London buses and trams for half price. At the bottom of the [advertisement] are the proud logos of Mayor of London, Transport for London, and, incongruously, the Bolivarian Government of Venezuela. I presume that this is the fruit of Hugo Chavez’ visit to…