Tag: organic

  • Purchasing Green a Licence to Steal, Cheat

    Just as a salad option on a menu increases the incidence of unhealthy orders, and national park visitors are less likely to support conservation charities later in life (as compared to hikers or backpackers), now buying green has been shown to increase bad behaviour. It’s not all bad, though: merely being exposed to green products…

  • The Agri-Intellectuals and the Omnivore’s Delusion

    Playing on the title of Michael Pollan’s The Omnivore’s Dilemma, Missouri farmer Blake Hurst pens an extremely well argued and reasoned response to the criticisms the ‘agri-intellectuals’ pile on industrial farmers and their production methodsā€”particularly those rearing livestock. Farming has always been messy and painful, and bloody and dirty. It still is. This is something…

  • The ‘Benefits’ of Organic

    After analysing all available evidence from the past 50 years, a study commissioned by the UK government’sĀ Food Standards Agency has come to the conclusion that organic food is no healthier (in terms of nutritional value and any extra health benefits) than ‘ordinary’ food. From the blog of the FSA’s Chief Scientist: The most comprehensive review…