Tag: racism

  • The Religiosity-Racism Link

    Admitting that there are “so many, many positive aspects and benefits to religiosity”, the authors of a meta-analysis on the subject have shown a positive correlation between religious affiliation and racism. Organized religion […], by its very nature, encourages people to accept one fundamental belief system as superior to all others. The required value judgment…

  • Online Dating Statistics: Religion and Race

    The online dating website OkCupid has a rather fascinating blog, OkTrends, written by two of the four mathematics majors who founded the site. Still in it’s infancy the blog has a few fascinating posts studying data gleamed from their expansive user base. Starting out with a brief look at their matching algorithm and the control group…

  • The Genetic Gap

    I can’t write a better leading sentence than David already has: “In an article encouraging us not to use genetic tendencies for racist ends, William Saletan offers a possible genetic answer [to the question, Why are there so many black athletes?]” One example is the RR variant of ACTN3, a gene that affects fast generation of muscular…