Month: May 2008

  • Interview With a Blind Homeless Man

    Interview With a Blind Homeless Man, by Bobby “Revellian” Revell: I don’t get upset when someone calls me old, stupid or whatever because I don’t know what it really means when describing a person. This great post reads almost like what I call the doctrine of the atheists; morals and ethics come from within. This…

  • Travelling Light

    I’ve had Tim Ferriss’ post on How to travel the World with 10 Pounds or Less (that’s lbs, not £s) bookmarked for a while now, waiting for a good reason to post it here.  One has now arisen. An NPR story called How to Pack Everything You Own in One Bag has created a slew…

  • Ask Y Combinator – The Archive

    I’ve written about Y Combinator before, and if you followed the link you’ll have realised by now that ‘Y Combinator‘ is analogous to ‘Grade A Columbian Nose Candy‘. Well get ready for another binge on the dandy candy, as the Startups Wiki has now produced the Ask YC Archive – a site highlighting the best…

  • The Hacker’s Diet

    Feeling a little overweight? Having trouble understanding all that fitness and health lingo? Want some simple advice, written for the geek inside you? You need The Hacker’s Diet. Conceived by John Walker (co-founder of Autodesk), it’s a diet that approaches weight loss “as both an engineering and a management problem.” The Wikipedia entry is also…

  • Fifty Habits of the Highly Successful

    The newly renamed Stepcase Lifehack has put up a great article succinctly describing 50 habits that you can start to make yourself more successful and – I think – happy. Great advice, simply explained. Follow these and you can’t fail but improve your general well-being and productivity. Words of wisdom abound in Fifty Habits of…

  • ACHOO Syndrome – Sneezing and the Sun

    In the summer I always find myself sneezing whenever I leave a building and walk outside, hitting a wall of bright sunshine. This is not something I particularly make conversation about as, let’s face it, what exactly is there to talk about? The cause of my sneezing was obviously linked to sunlight… so what? However,…

  • CIA Guide to Optimised Thinking

    Complex situations are – by their very nature – difficult to understand. Compound this with the fact that in any given situation we’re all going to have cognitive biases that make us view situations differently and inaccurately, and you’re going to have a bit of a mess when it comes to thinking about and analysing…

  • Lovely Streaming Music – Bedtime Delight

    Looking for something a bit less ‘energetic’ than PodRunner? Then have a look at my favourite two streaming music websites… Afternoon Delight and Bedtime Tunes; prefect for those lazy afternoons/evenings and when you need a little pick-me-up during the day.

  • Get Running with PodRunner

    About 7 months ago I moved house and – as expected – things got in the way and I stopped my regular exercise sessions. Ever since I’ve been meaning to get back into a serious exercise regimen and today is when I do. I play squash regularly and love to swim and cycle… but I…

  • Lifestyle Costing – Reverse Engineering Your Ideal Wage

    April sees the start of another financial year and as such I find myself thinking about financial matters more often than is typical. I then stumbled across Plonkee’s How Much Do I Need to Earn? post, detailing how she reverse engineered her ideal salary. I had a go myself, and it’s quite enlightening; it reminds…