Guest Posts (2) – Thanks

Last week my friend Andrew Smith looked after the site and published three posts worthy of your time:

I’m now back home and free from jet lag, so your norĀ­malĀ serviceĀ here atĀ Lone GunĀ­manĀ resumes tomorrow.

Please join me in thankĀ­ing Andrew for his posts.



4 responses to “Guest Posts (2) – Thanks”

  1. Are these summary posts worth doing then? What do you get out of them? Just curious!

  2. I do think they’re worth doing, for one reason: when I get around to writing my Year in Review post it will provide me with a single location (per author) I can point to when mentioning these guests posts.

    Example: see the end of Year Two in Review.

    I know that I could use the built-in author page, but I’m leaving my options open for having the same guest author in the future without making anything confusing (for me or readers).

    It’s also a nice way of making my appreciation known.

    In summary: I’m seriously lazy and can’t be bothered to think of/code a more elegant way to achieve the above. Suggestions welcome!

  3. You could mint a special tag for each mini-series?

  4. It’s a nice thought, but then for a sequential series of posts — such as David’s How to Internet series — the default order (DESC) would be incorrect/illogical.

    Again, without some customisation (that I’m too lazy to do), the optimal solution seems to be a short postā€¦