Influencing Behaviour Online

Ignoring, for a moment, the rather unsound and outmoded neuroscience propounded in the introduction, these tips for extending influence online and persuading your visitors are worth a few minutes:

  1. Show ratings and reviews by other users (for action through social validation).
  2. Provide instant gratification and a quick fix.
  3. Put the most important action to be done first.
  4. Use the illusion of scarcity (previously).
  5. Build reciprocity by giving away something for free.
  6. Learn to use food, sex and danger in an advertising context.
  7. Limit the choices available and promote bundles (noted in this list with the paradox of choice/too-much-choice effect theory firmly in mind: while the advice is solid, the paradox of choice theory is overestimated).
  8. Speak to your visitor by using the word ‘You’ (personalisation).
  9. Get your visitors to make a (small) commitment. Preferably a public one.
  10. Use images that demonstrate similarity and attractiveness.
  11. Be a master at telling stories.



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