We do not signup, login or checkout when we buy products online. We do not startup, shutdown or backup our computers. The reason: these words, primarily used in computing contexts, are not verbs.
These are just some of the “bad bad verbs” featured on a site dedicated to “informing people about words that are not verbs, even though people misuse them that way”. From what I can gather, this all started with loginisnotaverb.com:
Despite what many people — mostly in the computer field — think, “login” is not a verb. It’s simply not. Whether or not “login” is a word at all may spark a debate in some circles, but assuming it is then it may act as many parts of speech, but not as a verb.
And so it goes with all of these non-verbs:
- backup
- carryout
- checkout
- cutover
- cutoff
- failover
- login
- logoff
- logon
- logout
- lockdown
- pickup
- setup
- shutdown
- shutoff
- signin
- signoff
- signout
- signup
- startup
Of course, there’s the MeFi and HN threads to accompany your reading.
3 responses to “Login Is Not a Verb”
don’t forget “checkin”! check-in noun, check in verb.
Ah, of course. We don’t want people to checkin to their flights now, do we?
[…] time, I refuse to have the argument. Next time, thanks to The Lone Gunman, I can simply direct the offending party to this site: loginisnotaverb.com. Despite what many […]