Tag: google

  • Googlewhacking and Hapax Legomena

    One benefit of following and occasionally being a contributor to the crossword creator community is that its full of linguistics nerds (in the nicest possible sense of the word). Thanks to them, I often find myself diving into obscure Wikipedia holes and learning fascinating new topics. One such dive introduced me to hapax legomena: words…

  • Quiting Google

    As someone who works in IT (or on the fringes of it, at least), a job at Google is seen as the Holy Grail of positions: if it’s not going to be a job for life, it’ll at least set you up for it—after all, who wouldn’t want to hire Google alumni, right? And the…

  • Microsoft, Google and Startups Compared

    After visiting both the Microsoft and Google campuses to discuss Stack Overflow (Google Tech Talk: Learning from StackOverflow.com), Joel Spolsky discusses the similarities and differences between the two corporations and his own small company. What I’ll probably remember most about the trip is what I learned about company culture and how it’s affected by scale. Giant corporations…

  • The Experience Response

    Mark Hurst, author of Bit Literacy and host of the Gel conference, takes a look at Microsoft’s Bing and discusses the problem with Microsoft’s current strategy and ways they can improve. Customers online don’t respond to a brand marketed to them, they respond to the experience they have. If they can accomplish their goal quickly…

  • Google and ‘The Physics of Clicks’

    Hal Varian is the Chief Economist at Google, engaged primarily in the design of the company’s ‘advertising auctions’; the auctions that happen every time a search takes place in order to determine the advertising that appears on the results page. After introducing us to this concept, Steven Levy looks at Google’s “across-the-board emphasis on engineering,…

  • Good Employees and Successful Entrepreneurs

      In an article profiling Google’s Marissa Meyer (employee number 20), there’s this quote on Meyer’s views with regard to hiring practices:  One candidate got a C in macroeconomics. “That’s troubling to me,” Ms. Mayer says. “Good students are good at all things.” Another candidate looked promising with a quarterly rating from a supervisor of…

  • Google Street View, Cardiff, UK

    Yesterday I bumped into a Google Street View car while it was capturing images in Cardiff Bay (UK). Unfortunately I was initially confused at the strange vehicle, only realising the obvious when I saw the big ‘Google’ sign on the side of it. If it was actually capturing data as it passed me I’m going…

  • Randall Munroe (of xkcd) Visits Google

    I absolutely, positively, know I’ve written about this and I would bet my life savings that I posted it, but alas I cannot find it anywhere. Every-so-slightly delayed (months later!), here’s what happened when Randall Munroe (of xkcd fame) was invited to Google – he also gave an Authors@Google talk. More Googleplex videos here, including…