Tag: humour

  • List of Eponymous Laws and Adages

    We’ve all heard of them: Boyle’s Law, Keynes’ Law, Metcalfe’s and Murphy’s. Wikipedia’s list of eponymous laws is your one-stop resource for those observations and predictions that are named after a person. For others that don’t make the cut, see the ‘adages’ category.

  • Parental Conversations

    Mc Sweeney’s Conversations My Parents Must Have Had While Planning to Raise a Child made me laugh… DAD: When I teach her to ride a bike, I will tell her that my hand is on the seat, but then I will take it away just as she is getting the hang of it. MOM: That…

  • Bash’s IRC Quotes

    Back in the day I used to spend a fair amount of time in various IRC channels. If you did too, you’ll feel a pang of nostalgia reading the great quotes at Bash.org. <Patrician|Away> what does your robot do, sam <bovril> it collects data about the surrounding environment, then discards it and drives into walls…

  • Pavlov’s Musical Dog

    Back in early December 2007, I submitted one of my favourite Psychology jokes to Mind Hacks. The comic strip I sent in was duly posted along with some other interesting links: Ivan Pavlov and Brian Wilson – together at last! This rather unlikely combination seemed to spark a bit of interest, so here is a…

  • Black President = World’s Complete Annihalation

    The Onion does it again with ‘Do We Really Want Another Black President After The Events Of Deep Impact?‘ Have we learned nothing from the tragic events of 1998, when, under the watch of President Morgan Freeman, this nation was plunged into chaos, and hundreds of millions of people died at the hands of the…