Tag: library

  • Tsundoku and Eco’s Antilibrary

    Today I learnt of tsundoku: 19th-century Japanese slang for “the phenomenon of acquiring reading materials but letting them pile up in one’s home without reading them”. Yep, that’s me—with physical books, sure, but especially with ebooks. I love books as much as the next person, but I’m no bibliomaniac. Instead, I’m reminded of the more…

  • The Best Personal Library

    I’ve seen many personal libraries: few that—like David—induce jealousy, fewer still that I truly covet, and none that compel me to blog. At least that was until I saw Jay Walker’s library. The photographs of the Internet entrepreneur’s library alone are awe inspiring. Then I started reading. via Kottke

  • Singles Night at the Library

    Not your usual venue for a singles’ night, but I do like this idea. Anyone hoping to spot a potential partner can pick up a pink badge signalling their romantic intentions at reception. Then they can stroll the aisles looking for a book, DVD, or something – or someone – else that takes their fancy.…