Tag: religion
The Correlation Between IQ and Atheism
Times Higher Education reports that there is a strong correlation between a high IQ and a lack of religious belief, according to Richard Lynn, the controversial psychologist. In the past Lynn has performed research into what he believes is the existence of race and sex differences in intelligence, and has called for the “phasing out”…
Suing in the Name of God
Soon it’s going to be illegal to see into the future; contact the deceased; and find out what’s inside closed envelopes. Well, probably… New laws are about to criminalise clairvoyants who fail to note on their advertisements that their services ‘are not subject to scientific proof’. Obviously, I’d like to think that the more intelligent…
Interview With a Blind Homeless Man
Interview With a Blind Homeless Man, by Bobby “Revellian” Revell: I don’t get upset when someone calls me old, stupid or whatever because I don’t know what it really means when describing a person. This great post reads almost like what I call the doctrine of the atheists; morals and ethics come from within. This…