Month: July 2008

  • Best Psychology Articles (2003-2006)

    In 2006—to mark its three year anniversary—the British Psychological Society’s Research Digest asked some of the world’s best psychology bloggers to discuss a psychology journal article from the last three years which they found inspiring or that changed the way they think. The result: the best psychology articles from 2003–2006 Just how good are police…

  • The Better Idea

    Since reading Ramit’s The Myth of the Great Idea over two and a half years ago, I’ve been tinkering with the idea. However, it’s always the simplest things that win-out in the end. The myth of The Great Idea is a dangerous one. It makes you constantly search and search for something that you’ll probably…

  • 25 Photography Tutorials

    A list of 25 great photography tutorials and links – courtesy of Digital Photography School.

  • Will Draw Anything for $2

    Yirmumah will draw you anything—in a comic book style—for just $2. Why am I doing this? Number one, it’s fun. Number two, it’s practice to make me faster and keep me sharp drawing various things I wouldn’t have thought to draw. […] Now the 2 dollar thing just seems very funny to me for some…

  • Knowing When To Quit

    The Intrepid Mompreneur left a big law firm after 3 years to launch her own business; has left a marriage with two kids; and walked away from her own million dollar a year law business. Now she’s telling us how to know when it’s time to leave: The pain of staying is greater than the…

  • Visual Cliff: Infant Depth Perception

    Original archive video of Gibson and Walk’s Visual Cliff experiment: testing infant depth perception by getting them to walk over glass plates suspended above a drop. The researchers wanted to find out whether 6 to 14 month-old infants could perceive depth. The study put the infants, one at a time, in the middle of a…

  • Is it Protected by Copyright?

    Trying to discover whether a work of art (book, movie, song, etc.) is currently in the public domain? The American Library Association’s copyright slide rule, should help. [This] simple tool tells you whether or not you need to hunt down a rights owner to use a book, movie, song, or other work in a project.…

  • Art of the Title Sequence

    The Art of the Title Sequence is a blog highlighting the best movie (and TV) title sequences. Some great ones on the list so far; some of the best, still to come. via Kottke

  • Comparison of Maternity Leave Allowances

    The Economist graphically compares OECD maternity leave allowances. Sweden is the most generous of the OECD countries, not only offering most time off but also paying 80% of a woman’s salary for 390 days. For fathers, Britain offers a measly two weeks of unpaid leave, whereas in Norway and Iceland, for example, more even division…

  • Man-in-the-Middle Attacks

    Bruce Schneier on Man-in-the-Middle attacks: The Wall Street Journal reported how this gambit played out in Colombia [FARC tricked into releasing 15 hostages]: “The plan had a chance of working because, for months, in an operation one army officer likened to a ‘broken telephone,’ military intelligence had been able to convince Ms. Betancourt’s captor, Gerardo…