Month: August 2011

  • How to Internet: Staying Current

    For the uninitiated, phrases like “Subscribe to this Blog”, “RSS feed”, and “Feed Reader” are just so much noise. So here’s a very short explanation: you use a “feed reader” to “subscribe” to a blog using its “RSS feed”. Make sense? To use a slightly more analog story, you can think of this whole thing…

  • How to Internet: Dividing Attention

    There’s a huge cornucopia of stuff on the internet, far more than even the most adept writer could hope to survey with even a full book on the topic. My goal is not to tell you what to pay attention to. Rather, I hope to give you some interesting places to start and some guideline…

  • How to Internet: Why?

    The first thing you might be wondering, is why? Why is he using “internet” as a verb? First of all, welcome grammar Nazi. But one of the first rules of the internet is that new words and usages are acceptable, even fashionable. If you can’t accept that, you probably shouldn’t really learn how to internet.…

  • How to Internet: Introduction

    When Lloyd asked me to fill in, I was a bit stumped. Because the content I post to Link Banana is similar to the stuff that Lloyd posts, and I already struggle to keep that full–I didn’t really want to put that stuff here. I also didn’t really want to ape his style, as I’d almost inevitably…

  • Guest Posts (1)

    I’ve recently arrived in Seattle and over the coming two weeks will be slowly making my way down to San Francisco. I’m on holiday; life is good. I’m aware that things have been quiet around here lately, so as a prelude to the “return” of Lone Gun­man I’ve got a couple of fine guest writers…

  • Robert Gottlieb on the Art of Editing

    The author-editor relationship is an intimate one, and Robert Gottlieb, editor of many well-loved books and of The New Yorker for five years, knows this more than most. One of the best insights into this relationship comes courtesy of an interview with Gottlieb in The Paris Review where the ‘questions’ are actually anecdotes provided by some of the…