Six Habits of Highly Effective Mentees (and My Start-Up Life Excerpts)

Personally and professionally I always thrive to learn. Nine months ago I moved from programming into systems/business analysis: I knew what the job entailed and knew I could do it well. I still asked for a mentor.

Specifically, I asked that my mentor be the person in our organisation who is always lauded as being the most knowledgeable. Being a mentee is not easy.

Six Habits of Highly Effective Mentees is an article written by Ben Casnocha (author of My Start-Up Life) and has renewed my life as a mentee after flagging lately. The habits are:

  1. It’s all about the questions you ask
  2. Have strong beliefs, weakly held
  3. Have a long term perspective
  4. Be open to topics not on your short-term agenda
  5. Follow up by showing interest in them (at least four times a year)
  6. Don’t make the mentor do the work

The Power of Mentors is an excerpt from Ben’s book. I recommend reading it and the others that are available on the book’s site.



2 responses to “Six Habits of Highly Effective Mentees (and My Start-Up Life Excerpts)”

  1. Thanks – and I hope you check out the whole book, too! 🙂

    All best wishes…

  2. It is on my ‘to get’ list and I’m looking forward to it. I haven’t bought it though… yet: I’m refusing to buy new books while in the middle of ploughing through my 100+ reading list.

    Thanks for the comment.