Tag: wikipedia

  • Commons Picture of the Year

    Every year, the Wikimedia Foundation — the parent organisation of many well-loved projects, such as Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikiquote and Wikiversity — runs the Commons Picture of the Year competition. The aim of the competition is to identify “the best freely-licensed images from those that during the year have been awarded Featured picture status”; an accolade awarded by…

  • The Statistics of Wikipedia’s Fundraising Campaign

    Yesterday, 15th January 2011, Wikipedia celebrated its tenth birthday. Just over two weeks before, Wikipedia was also celebrating the close of its 2010 fundraising campaign where over sixteen million dollars was raised from over half a million donors in just fifty days. The 2010 campaign was billed as being data-driven, with the Wikipedia volunteers “testing…

  • List of Thought Processes

    Thoughts – or specifically the mental processes enabling us to think – allow beings to be conscious, to make decisions, and to imagine. Thoughts are what define us as individuals. This list of thought processes is a (big) list of thinking styles, methods of thinking (thinking skills), and types of thought. When you have some…

  • List of Common Misconceptions

    The list of common misconceptions includes this clarification: The word “theory” in “the theory of evolution” does not imply doubt in mainstream science about the validity of this theory; the words “theory” and “hypothesis” are not the same in a scientific context (see Evolution as theory and fact). A scientific theory is a set of…

  • List(s) of Unsolved Problems

    List(s) of unsolved problems in topics ranging from cognitive science to computer science; philosophy to physics. Got some time this coming weekend? Why not decipher an ancient writing systems or answer the P = NP problem and earn yourself $1,000,000.

  • List of Logical Fallacies

    First cognitive science, now logic: a list of logical fallacies. A fallacy is a component of an argument which, being demonstrably flawed in its logic or form, renders the argument invalid in whole. I prefer the many informal fallacies: an important one of which is that correlation does not imply causation (cum hoc ergo propter…

  • List of Cognitive Biases

    I love lists, and so every day this week I’ll give you one to chew on. To start us off is this wonderful list of cognitive biases. To try and become a better thinker I’m studying cognitive biases in order to (attempt to) overcome them. This in itself is attempting to overcome the bias blind…

  • The Omega Point

    The Singularity again, but this time a Gravitational (or Spacetime) Singularity. Specifically the one at the end of existence of the universe. The Omega Point is the moment during the theoretical Big Crunch when – just before the final, all-ending gravitational singularity – “the computational capacity of the universe is capable of increasing at a…