Month: June 2008
100 Items or Less
No, it’s not the new checkout lane at the supermarket, but Dave Bruno’s purging goal (summary): And honestly, it is difficult to purge. What goes? That is a hard decision. But I have an idea. A spontaneous idea that might change my life forever. I’m calling it the 100 Thing Challenge. And I’m taking it.…
Google Street View, Cardiff, UK
Yesterday I bumped into a Google Street View car while it was capturing images in Cardiff Bay (UK). Unfortunately I was initially confused at the strange vehicle, only realising the obvious when I saw the big ‘Google’ sign on the side of it. If it was actually capturing data as it passed me I’m going…
‘Improv Everywhere’ Going Mainstream?
Are the Pranks of Improv Everywhere Mean Enough for Prime Time? is a New York magazine article profiling the quasi-group and its leader. An interesting introduction for the uninitiated and a look at what’s in store for the future for those who are fans. To date, they’ve staged more than 70 “missions,” as Todd calls…
Good Investment Funds
I’ve said before that Stocks and Shares ISAs are a crucial item in your investment armoury, and with Plonkee’s comprehensive introduction to them, they were demystified. Now Plonkee has done it again by giving us a guide to some basic investment funds. It’s posts like this that save me hours of research. In terms of…
Great Speeches: Oprah and Obama
A couple of speeches currently getting rave reviews: Oprah’s Stanford Commencement, 2008 Barack Obama’s Father’s Day Speech, Chicago Stanford always seem to nail that commencement speech. via Ramit’s links and 37signals’ Signal vs. Noise
Hello Firefox 3
For those of you who are interested, Firefox 3 has now been released and you have until 18:16 UTC to get it for your download to count towards the record. There’s a rather fetching and oh-so-meaningful ‘certificate‘ that you can get too! A great marketing ploy, and one that’s obviously working its magic with 5,045,577…
Behavioural Addiciton: Gambling in Las Vegas
A conference on gambling addiction, run by the National Center for Responsible Gaming, is to be held in Las Vegas later this year. Put aside the irony for a moment, there are more sinister events afoot. Salon’s article Gambling with Science notes that the NCRG is funded by the gambling industry and may have a…
Mario Kart in JavaScript
Mario Kart in JavaScript! If this is even 1% as good as the N64 version I won’t be emerging from my bedroom for a long, long, time. via kottke
NI Health Chief: Homosexuality is a Mental Illness
Homosexuality is a mental illness, according to the head of Northern Ireland’s health committee, Iris Robinson MP. Can we say ‘forced resignation’? After apparently branding homosexuality as “disgusting, loathsome, nauseating, wicked and vile” she went on to recommend […] “a very lovely psychiatrist who works with me in my offices and his Christian background is…
Peak or Trough – You Are a Start-Up
Are you on a peak or in a trough? Looking for a kick-start? Then you can do worse than reading, absorbing, and taking to heart Ryan Holiday‘s article, This is My Life: [Look at developing yourself] like a start up. You are a start up. Don’t worry about monetization. Or a safety net or health…