Tag: ted-talks
TED Speaking Guide
Now that TEDGlobal 2009 has drawn to a close and the videos are slowly making their way online, the latest Nature has an editorial on the TED phenomenon, suggesting that “those wishing to reveal scientific ideas should learn from the engaging style of TED conference talks”. TED succeeds in part because participants are encouraged to talk…
The Future of Human Health
In seven videos, each between 9 and 19 minutes in length, some of Stanford’s best researchers discuss cutting-edge cognitive science research. Learn about the frontiers of human health from seven of Stanford’s most innovative faculty members. Inspired by a format used at the TED Conference, each speaker delivers a highly engaging talk in just 10-20…
Singles Night at the Library
Not your usual venue for a singles’ night, but I do like this idea. Anyone hoping to spot a potential partner can pick up a pink badge signalling their romantic intentions at reception. Then they can stroll the aisles looking for a book, DVD, or something – or someone – else that takes their fancy.…
Ze Frank’s ‘The Show’
I first came across Ze Frank in August 2006 when I watched his TED Talk, What’s so funny about the Web? Since then I hear of Ze sporadically, but have never really looked into any of his work. Well, that was until this morning when I came across The Show. produced monday through friday for…
Presentation Masterclass
LifeHack has just started what I hope will become an informative and useful series entitled Presentation Masterclass, courtesy of Rowan Manahan. Audiences are so deluged with advertising messages and radio jingles, with phone calls, voicemail, email, SMS and IM, with… stuff in their personal lives that unless you, the presenter, are wowing them with every…
Jill Bolte Taylor – Neuroanatomist On Her Own Stroke Experience
Lots of people have been saying how impressed they were by neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor’s TED Talk at this year’s conference. None, however, have summed it up better than Vaughan: It’s a bit poetic in places. You can almost hear the sound of a thousand cognitive scientists gritting their teeth as she describes the supposed…
The Worrying State of ‘World’ News
Alisa Miller of Public Radio International is speaking at TED 2008 – for her talk she posted a background video depicting the shocking state of U.S. cable and network news organisations’ reportage. “The US accounted for 79% of the total news coverage” on American news outlets dedicated to international news stories in 2006! I’d love…